Plush Murloc 0.2 Pattern
by Bamatick


  1. Click Print
  2. Cut out the pattern along the red lines
  3. *Optional* Trace the pattern onto card stock or poster board
  4. Overlay the pattern onto your material

You will need:

  1. Two body pieces
  2. 4 small arm pieces
  3. 4 big leg pieces
  4. 4 hand pieces
  5. 4 feet pieces (same as hands, but perhaps different color or material)
  6. 4 appendage fin pieces
  7. 1 dorsal fin
  8. 1 circular mouth piece
  9. 1 belly piece/lower jaw (football shape)

Special concerns:

Equipment you'll need:

Recommended material:

  1. Green Fleece [1 yard]
  2. Black Fleece [1/4 yard]
  3. Orange/Red Fleece [1/2 yard]
  4. Blue/Green Fleece [1/4 yard]
  5. White Flannel [1/4 yard]
  6. Black Upholstery Thread
  7. Blue Thread
  8. 2 Red Buttons
  9. Red Pipe Cleaners (if you want them for the dorsal fin)
  10. Red Pipe Cleaners (if you want appendage articulation)
  11. Small piece of cardboard for the mouth rigidity
  12. Bag of stuffing
  13. Voice box for "Rrrglhrll"