Roommates From Hell
I have several “Rules of Life.” My friend came up with his own list. It only has one rule: Don’t live with me. He figured out that living with me made people become a-holes. It was as inevitable as the tides.
My first roommate wasn’t so bad. He was a slob, sure, but for the most part okay. I don’t think he ever went to class. And he did make me sleep next door once for a few days so he could engage in adult activities with his girlfriend.
My second roommate was a complete slob. I joke about finding him asleep with pizza attached to his belly…it might not be a joke. But every now and then he would get a hankering to clean and with my prodding would fill multiple hefty bags.
My third roommate? Total psycho. He was a bassist in a bar band. He practiced. He also got mad at me once for “spoiling” a movie. I said EVERYONE dies in Unforgiven, even the dog. There was no dog. Lots of people live. But he threw a punch in my face. Not cool.
After that, I had some pretty decent roommates. One of them chewed though, and for the life of me, I haven’t figured out why they do this, but he collected spitoons. Our room was full of “recycled” coke bottles, semi-full of chaw. Ugh.
For my own part, I was a vindictive SOB. I actually took vengeance one time by letting the gang get to the final boss of Street Fighter and then cut the power. My friend didn’t talk to me for weeks. I was in the right, but that was very uncool of me.
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